The University of Vermont ranking is 86th in the US and in the range of 365 to 390 in the world on the University Review College Ranking List. It is ranked as the 85th best college in the US by the USnews.
Similarly ranked colleges to Vermont include Wyoming, University of Central Florida, University of Colorado at Denver, and the University of Connecticut – Storrs.
Requirements for Admission and Tuition Fees (Quick Facts 2014 / 2015)
The University of Vermont tuition fees are $16,226 for in-state and $37,874 for out of state students. It is a moderately selective college taking in 77.5% of applicants. Financial aid offered totals $90 million per year, an average of $21,300 per student.
University of Vermont SAT Scores and ACT Scores
SAT scores for admission requirements (25th-75th percentile) are Math 550 – 640, Reading 540 – 640, and writing 540 – 640.
The requirements for ACT (percentage of freshmen) are Composite 24 – 29 (59%), English 24 – 29 (46%), Math 24 – 29 (60%).
University of Vermont Information
The University of Vermont can trace it’s roots back to the end of the 18th century. It is a very prestigious university and is considered by many to be a public Ivy as it offers education at a level similar to those of the Ivy League Universities such as Cornell, Columbia, and Harvard. The university caters for around 11,000 students at its campus in Burlington.
The University of Vermont, Burlington, VT has nine major colleges and schools as follows:
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences
College of Education and Social Services
College of Engineering and Mathematics
College of Medicine
College of Nursing and Health Sciences
The Honors College
School of Business Administration
School of Environment and Natural Resources

Being an old, yet prestigious establishment has enabled the University of Vermont to attract many gifted scholars over the years: some of the alumni include the Nobel Peace prize winner Jody Williams; the philosopher John Dewey; writers David Franzoni and Annie Proulx; the folk singer Susan Powers; and the film producer John Kilik.
University of Vermont Address
The University of Vermont address is located at:
85 South Prospect Street
Vermont 05405
United States of America
University of Vermont Logo

University of Vermont Ranking and Quick Facts
Motto: Studiis et Rebus Honestis (English: For studies and other honest pursuits).
also known as UVM and the University of Vermont and State Agricultural College.
University world Ranking – Jiaotong 500 (China) |
203 to 304
America Ratings (Jiaotong) |
99 to 138
University of Vermont Facts
Students (Undergraduates / PG/ Total) |
Faculty / Staff |
Established |
Endowment |
Endowment per student |
Research Spending – USA Rank | $115,693,000 – 116th | ||
Affiliations |
Public Ivy, AEC
Other US Colleges by State
University of Vermont; Vermont Colleges; Photograph by achaelvoorhees.