ESPCI (École supérieure de physique et de chimie industrielles de la ville de Paris) Information
Since its creation in 1882 many distinguished people have studied at the ESPCI, these include the great scientists Marie and Pierre Currie. Other people of note include Paul Langevin, Hervé This, Frédéric Joliot Curie, André-Louis Debierne, Georges Charpak and Pierre-Gilles de Gennes. The ESPCI ranking is the 14th best university in France, and joint 432nd in the world. Similarly rated French colleges include 432 to 507, École Polytechnique, University of Bordeaux 1, University of the Mediterranean, Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2 University and the Ecole Normale Superieure Lyon.
Although the institutes name suggests that chemistry and physics are the only subjects studied by students, during the first couple of years of their study students also partake in biological studies. The third year of study entails research projects, and from the fourth year on students at the ESPCI choose to partake in either masters or doctoral studies.
There are 23 major laboratories or centres associated with ESPCI, these concentrate on the following fields: (In French): Applied statistics ; Céramique et Matériaux Minéraux; Colloïdes et Matériaux Divisés; Chimie Organique; Électricité Générale; Électronique; Environnement et Chimie Analytique; Hydrodynamique et Mécanique Physique; Imagerie Biomédicale; Matière Molle et Chimie; Microfluidics, MEMs & Nanostructures; Neurobiology and Cellular Diversity; Neurophysiology & new microscopies; Ondes et Acoustique; Optique Physique; Physico-Chimie Macromoléculaire; Physico-Chimie Structurale et Macromoléculaire; Physico-Chimie Théorique; Physique du Solide; Physique Quantique; Physique Thermique; and Surfaces et Supraconducteurs.

ESPCI Address
École Super Physics and Chemistry Industry (or ESPCI)
10 rue Vauquelin
75231 Paris

ESPCI, École Super Physics and Chemistry Industry Rankings and Quick Facts
Usually referred to as the ESPCI, ParisTech, or The City of Paris Industrial Physics and Chemistry Higher Educational Institution. French: École Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles de la Ville de Paris; Physique-Chimie; PC.
University world Ranking – Times 200 (UK) |
University world Ranking – Jiaotong 500 (China) |
305 to 402
University world Ranking – Newsweek 100 (USA) |
European Rank (Jiaotong) |
124 to 172
Ecole Super Physics and Chemistry Industry Facts
ESPCI Location | Paris Cedex 05, France |
Established |
ESPCI; French University List; Photograph by Groupe Traces.