Brown University Ranking, Address, Tuition Fees, Admission Requirements & SAT Scores

Brown performs consistently high in ranking tables, and is considered as the 18th best college in the USA, and 49th best in the world in the University Review consolidated rankings. The Brown University Ranking is 16th best college in the states by the USnews, and the 13th best by Forbes.

Brown University Requirements for Admission, ACT & SAT Scores, and Tuition Fees (Quick Facts 2014 / 2015)

The total composite SAT Score range (verbal plus math; middle 50%) for accepted applicants is 1330 to 1540.

The Brown University admission requirements for ACT (25th-75th percentile) at Composite is 29 – 34.

The Brown University tuition fees are $47,434 for both in-state and out of state students. It is an extremely selective college accepting 9% of applicants. Financial aid offered totals $115 million per year, an average of $41,580 per student.

Brown University Information

The medium sized Brown University is one of the most prestigious universities in the United States.

This Ivy League university spans 238 buildings spread across a campus of 143 acres in Providence, the capital of Rhode Island. Brown University offers undergraduate courses and graduate courses in many fields.

The student body of Brown University is about 8,600, with the majority from the undergraduate college. They come from all the 50 States of America, and from over 110 foreign countries. There are about 100 programs of study offered across the undergraduate, graduate, and medical colleges of Brown University.

Brown University ranking
A beautiful photograph of University hall in the winter. Image by Michael Condouris.

The faculty of Brown University is committed to teaching, as well as research. They follow a curriculum of the collaborative university model that Brown University sets; wherein students become architects of their own respective educational needs. The faculty student ratio in Brown University is a healthy 9:1; this helps in providing quality education to the students.

Brown University aims at providing a quality education to its students and part of this education is extra curricular activities. In all there are around 300 organizations at Brown university Providence, including 37 varsity athletic teams. People taking part in sports at Brown can compete at both club and intramural levels.

There is no need of worrying about your financial needs when studying at Brown University as the University can offer up to 100 percent of the financial needs for qualified students in need of financial assistance.

There are various civic engagements, cultural and religious examinations offered here to help students deepen their learning. Additionally, Brown University also helps in the development of new businesses, and provides great research opportunities for partnerships statewide.

Brown University Address

97 Waterman St.
RI 02912

Other Rhode Island colleges include the University of Rhode Island.

Brown University Logo

Brown University Logo

An In-depth Look at Brown University Facts

Student body

There are currently 8,619 people studying at Brown University, these are comprised of 6,182 (71.7%) undergraduates, 1,974 (22.9%) postgraduates, and 463 (5.4%) medical students (at the Warren Alpert Medical School). There are slightly more women (4,386, 50.9%) than men (4,233, 49.1%) enrolled at Brown.

The student body comprises people from every US state and from 114 other countries. Overseas students account for 11.7% of all students.

The ethnic breakdown of students from within the U.S.A. is as follows: White 51.2%, Asian 14.1%, Hispanic/Latino 11.5%, Black/African-American 6.6%, and mixed race 5.2%.

The largest home intake is from the Middle Atlantic region (25% for the class of 2017), New England (18%), Pacific (17%) and Southern (13%).

Tuition fees

As an Ivy League school the fees are fairly expensive, but financial aid is available (see below).

The undergraduate tuition fees are presently $44,608. In addition to this room and board, and other fees account for a further $12,624. Another $1400 is expected to be required for books, bringing the estimated annual expenses for attending Brown to $58,632.

The university has a need-based scholarship fund of $99.5 million available for the present year. 46% of freshmen are receiving aid from the university at an average of $39,327 per student. Taken together with other grants, loans, and work-study programs, 49% of current freshmen received an average of $43,427 in aid this year. 65% of the class of 2013 did not require a student loan during their studies at Brown.

Financial assistance is not just restricted to home students, with 233 international students receiving needs measured scholarships in 2013/2014.

Further information about financial aid provided to students of Brown University can be found here.

Academic programs

The College offers eighty different concentrations (equivalent to majors) to undergraduates. The main areas of study chosen by freshmen are in the fields of Physical sciences (32%), Social sciences (28%), Life sciences (22%), and Humanities (15%), with the other 3% remaining undecided. The graduate school offers study in 50 different disciplines, with 20 Master’s programs available, and 40 doctoral programs.

Campus Details

The main campus of the university covers an area of 143 acres and is located on College Hill. This is on the East Side, on the other side of the river from the downtown area of Providence, Rhode island (which has a population of 1,630,956 in its metro area). The main campus contains 235 buildings.

The athletics teams compete in 37 varsity events (20 for women, 17 for men) and are known as the Brown Bears. Teams compete in NCAA division I-AA and the Ivy League.

A lot of students report that they enjoy the diverse city of Providence, (especially the near by Place Mall which has plenty of shopping, dining, and movie options) and that there is plenty to do there, but that they also take frequent trips to Boston (just 50 minutes away by bus) and to New York (4 hours).

Number of faculty

The university employs 4,450 people, 1223 of which are faculty. These are mainly full-time (1054, 86.2%), with (169, 13.8%) part-timers. Of the 736 home-based (excluding non-regular, visiting, adjunct professors, etc.) 487 (66.2%) were men and 249 women (33.8%).

The home faculty members are spread between Humanities (29.5%), Physical sciences (26.8%), Life and Medical sciences (22.1%), and social sciences (21.6%).

Graduation rates, time to graduate

Although the level of study is intense at Ivy League universities, the high quality of people accepted to studies means that retention rates are high and graduation within four years the expectation rather than the exception. 97% of all freshmen continue on to their second, sophomore year. 84% of students graduate within four years, with 94% graduated by the six year stage.

Of the 2,534 people who graduate last year, 1,805 (71.2%) received Bachelor’s, 428 (16.9%) Master’s, and 301 (11.9%) Doctoral degrees.

Student Admission

As a prestigious college it is difficult to get into Brown University with just 9.2% of applicants being accepted. Of the 28,919 who applied for a place in the ‘class of 2017’ 2,654 were admitted, of which 1,543 (5.3%) enrolled.

The application fee for both undergrad and postgrad study is $75. You will be expected to complete an admission test and have taken part in extracurricular activities.

85% of applicants submitted SAT scores, with middle 50% percentiles ranging from 650 – 760 in mathematics, 630 – 740 in reading, and 640 – 750 in writing.  35% submitted ACT scores, with the middle 50% ranging from 28 – 34 in English, 30 –34 in math, and a composite of 29 – 33.

The admission website can be found here, the postal address is One Prospect Street Providence, RI 02912, and the telephone number (401) 863-1000.

Student Experience

Nearly all of the students feel that they are learning a lot during their time at Brown.  They especially praise the knowledge of their professors, many of whom are their leaders in the field, and many were surprised how approachable members of faculty are, with many happy to discuss their subject over a cup of coffee. Students also comment on the diversity of the campus and how interacting with so many intelligent people from different parts of the world really help to further them as a person. Many express that they are allowed to take subjects in areas away from their main concentration without it having a major impact on their results, allowing them to study in areas that they had never really thought about before and in topics that they have an interest, but are not relevant to their overall degree.

Most people feel safe on the Brown University campus has it has a blue light system and is patrolled by both the Providence police force and Brown’s own police unit. Escort services (SafeWalk) are also available for students returning home from late night study sessions. SafeRide and other transportation is available 24 hours a day on the campus.

The establishment is considered to be a very enjoyable place to study with like-minded people to chat with a plenty. The level of education offered deservedly sees Brown University ranked as one of the best universities in the world.

Brown University Ranking and Quick Facts

Motto: In deo speramus (Latin for “In God we hope”)

Brown University ranking
Ranking – Times 400 (UK)
University world Ranking – Jiao tong 500 (China)
University world Ranking – Newsweek 100 (USA)
PBA Top 100 Colleges
USnews American ranking
American Rank (Jiaotong)
Brown University Providence Quick Facts
Students (Undergraduates / PG/ Total)  6,182 1,974
Brown University Location Providence, USA
Endowment – USA Rank $2,669,948  – 30th
Endowment per student
Research Spending – USA Rank $178,900,000 – 104th
AAU, Ivy League

Other US Colleges by State


Brown University; List of Rhode Island Colleges.

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