The Arkansas Tech University Ranking is joint 92nd Regional University in the South of the USA by the USNews, it is not ranked by Forbes. Other good colleges in Arkansas include the University of Arkansas, Harding University, Arkansas State University and Henderson State University.
Requirements for Admission, ACT & SAT Scores, and Tuition Fees (Quick Facts 2014 / 2015)
The total composite Arkansas Tech University SAT Score range (verbal plus math; middle 50%) for accepted applicants is 840 to 1010.
The requirements for ACT (25th-75th percentile) at Composite is 19 – 25.
The Arkansas Tech University tuition fees are $7,248 for in-state and $13,518 for out of state students. It is not a very selective college accepting 85% of applicants. Financial aid offered totals $49 million per year, an average of $9,030 per student.
An Overview of Arkansas Tech University
Arkansas Tech University is a public, coeducational school situated in a rural setting in the city of Russellville, Arkansas. Currently, there are a total of 11,369 at Arkansas Tech. Of these, 10,482 (92.2%) partake in studies at the undergraduate level, whereas 887 (7.8%) take postgraduate classes. Of the undergraduates, 7063 attend full-time whilst 3,419 are there as part timers.

Geographically, 96% come from in-state whereas 4% are from out of state. There are around 3% of undergraduates from overseas. There are 5,693
women attending Arkansas Tech University as undergrads, and there are 4,789 men who study at that level, making the ratio of 46:54.
Regarding ethnicity, the undergraduate student population is broken down to 66% White, 1% of Asian descent, 7% African-American, and 7% Hispanic or Latino.
This college is presently rated by the U.S. News College Report as a 2nd tier establishment in the South Regional Universities Listing.
Tuition Fees (2013/14)
The costs of tuition for attendance at this academic establishment are $5,970 for those from instate, and $11,940 for those from out of state. You will also need to find $6,430 for room and board, $1,410 for study books, and $948 administrative fees. This brings the total cost of study at this academic establishment to $14,758 for instate undergrads and $20,728 for UGs from other US states.
Arkansas Tech University offers a needs-based scholarship fund of $22,671,598, and has non-needs based funding of $26,028,498 available, in all a total of $48,700,096 accessible as scholarships available to their scholars. The average monetary help received by each scholar is $4,839, and around 95% of students receive assistance with their finances.
Student Admission Processes
Arkansas Tech is not a selective college, with an acceptance rate of 90%. In the previous year 3,741 applied to attend, of whom 3,380 were accepted for admittance. Of the students receiving admittance 1,859 (55%) enrolled at the school.
Of the scholars accepted for admittance, 13% were placed in the highest ten percent in their high school. Just 1% of those who applied successfully presented SATS scores. The median scores for reading were 400 – 499 (48% of successful applicants), and 400 – 499 (52%) for Mathematics. The middle fifty percent percentiles were 410 – 470 for reading, and 430 – 540 for Mathematics.
A total of 85% of applicants applied with ACTs: median ranges are 18 – 23 (43%
Of students) Composite, 18 – 23 (37%) for English, and 18 – 29 (75%) for Mathematics. The 25 to 75% percentiles were 19 – 25 Composite, 18 – 25 for Mathematics, and 18 – 26 for English.
A very important factor for gaining entrance into the school is test scores (standardized). In addition, an aspect such as your secondary school record & report is important for entry.
The address for applications to Arkansas Tech is Administration Building 200; 1509 N Boulder Ave Russellville, AR 72801-2222. The telephone number is (479) 968-0389, and the admissions website is found here.
Academic programs
The establishment has seven academic colleges offering over 100 degree programs. The class sizes are: fewer than 20 (38%), 20 to 49 (55%), and 50 or above (7%).
Campus Facts
There are seven academic centers, with the largest one found at Russellville, AR.
The university’s sports teams partake at the NCAA DIVISION II level of the Great American Conference. The sports teams are called the Wonder Boys, and Golden Suns. Men partake in four varsity events, while women compete in six events, making a total of ten varsity events.
Number of Faculty
The university employs approximately 500 full-time faculty, and 311 part-time (giving a total of 811). The student to teacher ratio is 20:1.
Graduation Rates and Time to Graduation
About 18% of undergraduate students graduate within four years, and 38% complete within six years. Last year, 1,392 students graduated the institution, these received 981 degrees at the Bachelor’s level, 209 Master’s degrees, and 202 associates degrees.
Arkansas Tech University Address, Map, & GPS Directions
1605 N Coliseum Dr, Russellville, AR 72801
Latitude Longitude
35.293442 -93.135353
Latitude Longitude
N 35 17.607 W 93 08.121
Other US Colleges by State
Quick Facts
Type: Public
Established: 1909
President: Robin E. Bowen
Overall Cost to Attend: (instate) $14,758; Out of State $20,728
Arkansas Tech University Ranking: 2nd Tier
Number of Students: 11,369