Paris Descartes University Ranking and Address

Univ Paris 5 – Paris Descartes University Information

The University Paris 5 (Univ Paris 05) was established in 1971. Prior to this it used to belong to the university of Paris, which can trace it’s roots back as far as the mid 13th century; this makes Descartes part of one of the oldest universities in France and in the world. The Paris Descartes University ranking is the joint 7th best university in France, and 326th to 346th in the world. Similarly rated French colleges include University of Strasbourg, Joseph Fourier University, Claude Bernard University, and Paul Sabatier University.

Today the Paris Descartes University Paris 5 is presided over by the chancellor Maurice Quénet who watches over nearly 32,000 students.

The university has a strong focus on Law, Maths, Medicine, social science and sports.

Paris Descartes University Address

Paris 5 is located at the following address:
Paris Descartes University (University Paris 05)
12, rue de l’Ecole de médecine 75006

Ranking and Quick Facts

Paris Descartes University ranking
University world Ranking – Times 400 (UK)
University world Ranking – Jiaotong 500 (China)
151 to 202
European Rank (Jiaotong)
57 to 80
Univ Paris 05 Facts
Students (Undergraduates / PG/ Total)
1871 (1253)
University of Paris


List of Top Universities in France
Paris Descartes University;

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