The University of Connecticut is currently ranked as the 67th best in the USA, and the 365 to 390th in the world by the University Review College Rankings, and as the 57th best nationally by the USNews. It is ranked as the 164th best college in USA by Forbes. Similarly ranked colleges include Wyoming, UCF, University of Colorado,Denver, and the University of Connecticut.
Requirements for Admission and Tuition Fees (Quick Facts 2014 / 2015)
The tuition fees are $12,700 for in-state and $32,800 for out of state students. It is a selective college accepting 53.7% of applicants.
NAME SAT Scores and ACT Scores
The total composite SAT Score (25th-75th percentile) range for accepted applicants is 1130 to 1330.
The requirements for ACT (25th-75th percentile) at Composite is 25 – 30.
University of Connecticut Information
The University of Connecticut (UConn) can trace back its roots as far back as 1881, when it was founded as the Storrs Agricultural School.
Today it has grown in size to offer over 105 degrees. It is located in the Stoors, close to Hartford in the United States state of Connecticut. It is presently presided over by president Susan Herbst.
There are 18 major schools and colleges that make up the University of Connecticut:
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; College of Agriculture and Natural Resources; College of Continuing Studies.
School of Agriculture; School of Allied Health; School of BusinessSchool of Dental Medicine; School of Education; School of Engineering; School of Family Studies; School of Fine Arts; School of Law; School of Medicine; School of Nursing; School of Pharmacy; and the School of Social Work.

Some of the fields in which the university of Connecticut ranking is very strong include puppetry, law, dentistry, and family studies. The University of Connecticut is considered a very good university and is named as a public Ivy; it is ranked as the 57th best university in the USnews rankings.
As it is one of the Public Ivies, the education offered is similar to found at places like University of Arizona, University of Georgia, College of William & Mary, and University of Delaware.
Other colleges in Connecticut state include the University of New Haven, University of Connecticut Health Center, Yale University, Wesleyan University, and Southern Connecticut State University.
University of Connecticut Address
The university is located at the following address:
University of Connecticut
115 N Eagleville Rd
Storrs, CT 06268
An Overview of the University of Connecticut Facts (2014 / 2015 update)
The University of Connecticut is a public, coed college college that is located in a rural setting in the city of Storrs, CT. There are presently 25,911, of these 18032 (69.6%) are studying at the undergraduate level and 7,879 (30.4%) are studying at the postgraduate level. Of the Undergraduates, 17,219 study full time while 813 are there part-time.
Geographically 79% are from Instate whereas 21% come from different regions of the country. There are approximately 3% overseas students. There are 9,177 women undergrads attending University of Connecticut and 9,177 men at the undergraduate level, making the ratio 51:49.
Ethnically, the undergraduate student population can be broken down as 62% Caucasian, 9% Asian, 5%, African-American, and 8% Hispanic or Latino.
Tuition Fees
The cost of tuition fees for attending the academic establishment is $9,256 for people from the same state, and $28,204 for those from other states. To this can be added $6,466 for room and board, $850 for books, and $2,842 for administrative fees. This brings the total cost of study at the academic establishment to $19,414 for In-state students and $38,362 for Out of state students.
Connecticut offers a needs based scholarship fund of $75,195,631, and a non-needs fund of $18,234,521, making a total of $93,430,152 available as scholarships to their scholars. The average financial aid received for every student is $8,496 and around 79% of all students receive some kind of help with their finances.
Connecticut is a Selective institution with an acceptance rate of 47%. Last year 27,247 applied, of which 12,894 were accepted for admittance. Of the students accepted 3,327, 26% enrolled.
The fees for applying to the academic institution are $70 for undergraduates and $55 for graduates.
Of the students admitted, 45% were placed in the top 10% in their high school. Ninety-three percent of accepted applicants submitted SATS. The median scores for reading were 500-699 (82%), 600 – 699 (51%) for Math, and 600 – 699 (45%) for writing. The middle 50% percentiles were 580 – 670 for reading, and 550 – 640 for mathematics. Twenty-six percent of students submitted ACT scores: median ranges are 24 – 29 (64%) Composite, 24 – 29 (65%) English, and 24 – 29 (52%) for Math. The middle 50% percentiles were 25 – 29 for Composite.
Very important factors for admission into the college include Secondary school record, Class rank, Standardized test scores. Other important aspects include Extracurricular activities, Character& personal qualities, and Recommendations.
The address for applications at the University of Connecticut is 115 N Eagleville Rd Storrs, CT 06268. The telephone number is (860) 486-2000, and their website can be found here.
Academic programs
The university offers over one hundred majors, with the most popular being Political Science, English, and Psychology. The class sizes are as follows: less than 20 (47%), 20 to 49 (36%), and 50 and above (17%).
Campus details
There are eight campuses, with the main one being at Storrs, CT. The campuses cover an area of 4,400 acres.
Its sports teams, known as the Huskies, play at the NCAA DIVISION I-A level in the Big East Conference. Men take part in nine varsity sports, and women partake in eleven, making a total of 20 varsity events.
Number of faculty
The establishment employs 1,999 full time academic faculty, and 1,847 part-time (total 3846). The student to teacher ratio is 16:1.
Graduation rates, time to graduate
Fifty-six percent of freshmen graduate within four years, and 76% within six. Last year, 7,163 students graduated, these received 4,926 degrees at the Bachelor’s level, and 1,465 at the Master’s.
Student Experience
Students commented that the campus at the University of Connecticut is clean, nicely landscaped (with much greenery) and contained pretty buildings. There has been much refurbishment of older buildings and construction of new ones taking place giving the overall campus a very pleasing characteristic.
In general students are thought to be friendly and polite, and most people appear happy with their lot.
The dorms for undergrad freshmen are quite small with two beds and two tables, but the quality increases in the second year. Bathrooms are usually shared. Dorms can be on either single sex or coed floors.
The campus is considered pretty safe with the university employing its own police force and running a blue light system. Students access the dorms by use of personal key cards. The campus has a small-town feel to it.
Unfortunately, many students do not have a good view of the city of Storrs, which is largely comprised of the university buildings. This means that there are very few places to eat or shop at in the immediate vicinity; the interstate is seven miles away. The surrounding area is largely comprised of woodland and farms; great for those who enjoy a rural setting, not so good for those looking for city life.
Ranking and Quick Facts
University of Connecticut world Ranking – Times 400 (UK) |
= 328
University world Ranking – Jiaotong 500 (China) |
151 to 202
USA Rank (USnews 2009) |
Americas ranking University Review |
UConn Facts
Students (Undergraduates / PG/ Total) |
Faculty / Staff |
Established |
Endowment |
$344,174,000 (210th best)
Endowment per student |
Affiliations |
Public Ivies, Big East Conference